Summer of 84 by Darklady

Story line:
Teenager Davey Armstrong is a conspiracy theorist who begins to suspect that a neighbouring police officer is a serial killer. With help from three friends, Davey launches a daring investigation that soon turns dangerous.

This movie gives a 80s movie feel, like the Goonies, ET, and the Stephen king book/movie Stand by me..But with a stranger things feel about it

Its a welcome and the thoughtful thriller about a teenage boy who gets his buddies to help him..sort of like Fright Night to where he in lists the vampire slayer, Peter Vincent to help..but in this case its three other teenage boys, all bringing something to the table..Same looking out the window and thinking the neighbor is a killer..very exciting in many ways from the game Man hunt to the very end, it keeps you going..

Summer of 84 works because it draws us into his life and gives us youngsters to care about and a mystery that’s hard to solved..when no one believes him, not even his parents..But thats typical..Right!

I give this very well made movie 9 skulls out of 10, it is very well done and pulls you in right down to the last credit, you will not be disappointed, i promise..Well worth the 4.99 to do it again..and will by the movie to put in my DVD library..

It will be a classic just as Goonies and Et were..But in a much Darker sense..

Now streaming on Amazon prime have a look.


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Categories: killer, Knifes, Mystery, Teenage boys, Uncategorized

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